Food packaging design! How to attract your customers? Graphic application skills Episode1

Creative graphics are divided into concrete, abstract and decorative graphics. Figurative figure is a true portrayal of nature and a way to describe and reproduce things. Abstract graphics are used to express the connotation and theme of design with points, lines, surfaces and other elements, giving people unlimited space for association. Decorative figures generally appear in the form of symbols.


Application of specific graphics

The figurative figure in food packaging design refers to the visual expression of the appearance, texture and other characteristics of the object through a realistic approach. The figurative forms are various, including photography, commercial painting, cartoon, etc. Each form has its special charm, and you can directly feel the characteristics of food. Photography can present the shape, texture and color of food, and can truly reflect the image of food.


The biggest feature of this way of expression is lifelike, which makes consumers feel immersive. With the continuous progress of science and technology, our photography technology is also improving, and photography works are becoming more and more innovative.

Abstract graphic application


Abstract graphics refer to the highly generalized and logical graphics that are represented by the perceptible conceptual elements such as points, lines and surfaces through symbols and graphics extracted from known objects. People get different meanings by summarizing the figures in life which makes people more likely to associate.


In food packaging design, abstract graphics are widely used. Its expression methods are diverse and not easy to repeat. It conveys a profound implication effect through itself, which is undoubtedly a kind of implicit beauty. Therefore, abstract creative graphics are the most attractive for expressing emotional information. Creative graphics in abstract form are created by designers through graffiti, spraying, burning, printing and dyeing, tearing, etc. Packaging illustration expressed in this way gives people a sense of freedom and can arouse strong interest of consumers.

Post time: Dec-23-2022